Legislative draft request: Tower Marking news
An issue that directly affect Ag pilots is that of tower markings. We all know the many dangers associated with our business, tower marking legislation will help pave the way for reduced accidents across the state. Aviation experts believe that the NTSB and FAA actions establish a standard of care that would govern any liability issues that might arise in connection with accidents involving METs. As a result, 12 states have now passed legislation requiring the marking of METs, and several other states are actively pursuing legislation. These 12 states are California, Colorado, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Washington, and Wyoming. Click here to read the letter to the Honorable Paul Workman TAAA participates in the TDA and EPA Region 6 pesticide inspector training April 9th, TAAA had the opportunity to help with a Region 6, EPA sponsored inspector training session. Fifty-some department of agriculture inspectors from TX, LA, OK and NM were trained by Dr. Robert (Bob) Wolf on various subjects relating to the professional application of crop protection products such as, the importance of correct nozzles, spacing, pressure and how that relates to the effectiveness of products used. TAAA was helpful to TDA finding the location for the training and additional support. Much gratitude goes to Neal Aircraft, Larry and Robert Neal, for offering their facility in Slaton, Texas for the event. TAAA President Bob Bailey, assisted by Susan Bennett helped TDA Director of Environmental and Bio-security Programs, Janet Fults with much of the pre-planning. Bob made arrangements to have a ground rig onsite; TAAA Treasurer Mitch Probasco flew his AT-602 over dye cards with and without “drift control” for a simple pattern test demonstration; and TAAA BOD Member Mike Cobb displayed his new AT-802 for the inspectors to understand the systems of a spray plane. During Dr. Wolf’s presentation a bit of time was allotted to Bob and TAAA’s NAAA Delegate, Gaylon Stamps to inform the inspectors about TAAA, NAAA and the importance of the PAASS program. TAAA BOD Member Cody Hurdt, DuPont CropProtection, joined the aforementioned board members, mingling with the inspectors and answering various questions related to the application processes. TAAA was well represented and presented a valuable, positive impression by their assisting with the program and their presenting the professionalism of our industry. TAAA staff extends heart-felt gratitude to all those who participated. Aerial Applicator’s Manual: A National Pesticide Applicator Certification Study Guide |